Niederwimmer, Kurt. (1998). "The Title." In The Didache: A Commentary on the Didache. (56-57. (Original German 1989). Fortress Press. (Personal Library).
Niederwimmer considers the double title found in the Jerusalem manuscript of the Didache. The short title is set apart above the start of the text, while the longer title is presented on the first line, followed by the start of the main text, also begun on the first line. He considers it "probable . . . that neither title is original" and that the short title without the number "twelve" was original (Niederwimmer 1998, p. 56). This would explain the title as it is referred to in early Christian writings. A remaining problem is that the document has no internal claims to apostolicity. He considers the titles, then, to be superimposed on the document, possibly from an origin as a superscription placed on the Two Ways tractate, therefore not indicative of a way in which the Didache is to be interpreted (Niederwimmer 1998, p. 57).