Wilhite, Shawn J. (2019). "Translation." In The Didache: A Commentary. (26-35). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. (Personal Library).
As promised in the introductory material, Wilhite's translation of the Didache is clear and unremarkable, but for a strong tendency to mix singular and plural pronouns. For instance, "if someone requests . . . give them . . . " Compared to the paragraph markings in the edition of Bryennios, traditionally used, in chapter 10 Wilhite inserts an additional division of paragraph 7, then also counts a paragraph 8. The wording is stable except that Wilhite notes and translates the Coptic Addition as chapter 10, paragraph 9, a thanksgiving for the ointment or anointing oil (Wilhite 2019, p. 31). The translation additionally smooths out the litotes used effectively, particularly in chapter 11, by presenting the English only in positive terms. Additionally, Wilhite is less willing to take the verb εὐχαρίστειν to refer specifically to communion, preferring the generic meaning, "to give thanks." Wilhite includes in his translation the putative lost ending at chapter 16, paragraphs nine through twelve.
All things considered, Wilhite's translation is very clear, and, aside from the confusion of singular and plural, it is readable. The tendency to paraphrase, and the jolting inconsistency in number make it an undesirable translation, one which I will tend to avoid.