Augustine. Exposition on the Book of Psalms. Schaff, Philip (editor). New York: Christian Literature Publishing Col, 1886. Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers: Series 1: Volume VIII. Re-published 2014, Catholic Way Publishing. Kindle electronic edition, ISBN-13: 978-1-78379-372-3.
“Psalm 15”
Augustine observes that the language used by David in Psalm 15:1 points to a temporary setting, a tent, such as soldiers might use on campaign. From this, he says that “we war with the devil for a time, and then we need a tabernacle wherein we may refresh ourselves” (Augustine Psalms, loc. 320115). True rest is found in the presence of the Lord. But who does actually inherit that rest?
In verses 2-5, David lays out a detailed account of the type of person who could live in God’s presence. This is someone without sinful stains, without deceit, truthful from the heart and not merely the lips (Augustine Psalms, loc. 320123). The person who dwells in God’s presence cannot be effectively opposed by malice. He is truthful, even when it is not to his own advantage. His financial affairs are completely ethical. Augustine alleges that these are not actually difficult matters, but they are necessary for our stability (Augustine Psalms, loc. 320139).