Scholarly Reflections
Pick, Bernhard. "Chapter Two: The Gospel of the Ebionites." Paralipomena: Remains of Gospels and Sayings of Christ. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company, 1908, 14-18.
Pick notes that all we know of the Gospel of the Ebionites is reported by Epiphanius. They accepted only Matthew's Gospel in its alleged Hebrew version (Pick 1908, 14-15). Epiphanius speaks briefly of the assertion that John and Acts were also translated into Hebrew and kept in a treasury (Pick 1908, 15). Epiphanius cites a number of passages, which give the impression that this work is a truncated version of Matthew. The pericopes cited seem non-controversial, but may add some details. For instance, at the baptism of Jesus, this Ebionite version shows John falling at the feet of Jesus to ask for baptism (Pick 1908, 17). There is also a summary of the narrative of Jesus calling apostles, in which Jesus specifies that his purpose is to call exactly twelve. The Ebionites denied that Jesus was human, citing his reference to all who believe as his family, thus placing himself in the realm of divine spirit (Pick 1908, 18). They denied his being begotten by God, rather affirming a creation like that of the angels. Little evidence remains, and Pick found nothing outside of Epiphanius' work on heresies, chapter 30.