Keep working on learning where to look for different things in Matthew's Gospel. In chapter seven we saw Jesus' forgiveness for others who don't deserve it.
Write down at least three questions you hope will be answered. As always, I urge you to post them in the comments of this blog post, and to engage with other people's questions yourself!
Read Albrecht's commentary on Matthew, pages 117-128.
See if you have any more questions or answers to put in the comments section.
Questions for Study and Discussion:
Albrecht observes three groups of three miracles with people's reaction afterward. Note that Albrecht tends here to assert a reason why someone acts, but that those reasons are at least slightly speculative.
Group #1 - a man with leprosy, a centurion's servant, and Peter's mother-in-law.
What do we learn about prayer and about Jesus' interactions in these three miracles?
Matthew 8:18-22 show a response - two examples of people wishing to follow Jesus. How should we understand their questions and his responses?
Group #2 - just the first two miracles are in Matthew chapter 8, with Jesus calming a storm and healing two demoniacs. Again, what do we learn by observing Jesus and his actions?