Write down at least three questions you hope will be answered. As always, I urge you to post them in the comments of this blog post, and to engage with other people's questions yourself!
Read Albrecht's commentary on Matthew, pages 128-142.
See if you have any more questions or answers to put in the comments section.
Questions for Study and Discussion:
We're still in the second group of three miracles. At the start of chapter nine, Matthew shows Jesus forgiving sins and healing a paralyzed man.
What do we learn from this group of miracles? Why might the people react as they did? How does Matthew tie Jesus' presence specifically to both forgiveness and healing?
Consider fasting and its possible purposes.
The third group of three miracles begins in 9:18. Again, what do we learn about Jesus and human needs as we read this passage?
(The three miracles are healing an older lady, raising a girl from the dead, and healing two blind men. Alternatively, we consider the first two together and make the exorcism of verses 32-33 the third miracle. The former is probably Matthew's intended structure, as the exorcism has very few details and leads directly into the responses of people to Jesus' work.)
Consider Jesus' attitude shown in verses 35-37. How can this encourage us?