Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the historic one-year lectionary.
In Psalm 29:11 the Psalmist prays the Lord would give strength to his people and bless them with peace. The strength of God’s people is inherent in their peace, but not in the peace they have in this world. This world and its trials may violate our peace. In different times and places throughout history, trusting the Lord has led many to persecution and death. Yet God gives them strength and peace.
What does it mean to us when we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ? What does it mean to us when we consider the fact we are called heirs of God in Christ? What does it do for our confidence when we realize that Jesus gives us immortality and life, which none can take away from us? What does it do when we recall that Jesus has broken down the wall of sin which separates us from God? How does it speak to us when the Lord says he will call us to enter into his kingdom as his beloved children? What does it do for our confidence when we think about God’s plan to bring the heavens and the earth under his righteous judgment in the last day?
We are able to do none of this. It is all of the Lord’s devising and his execution. He is the one who has done all things. This again is good news, because he is the one who does all things well.
What is the strength and peace of the Lord intended to accomplish? Quite simply, God spreads the Gospel, the good news that he has accomplished strength and peace for his people. He wants everyone to come to repentance and knowledge of his grace. So it shouldn’t surprise us that he leaves his peace with his people and then tells them to get busy doing peace all around them. I have news for you from this Psalm. He gives his people strength to do it also.
May the Lord of all peace guard your hearts and minds with His peace, as we enter this season of Trinity, that we may together work out the Lord’s perfect love in our world.
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