Gibbs, Jeffrey A. “9:14-17: Fasting and Wineskins: Something New Is Here!" Matthew 1:1-11:1. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2006, pp. 4475-481.
In Matthew 9:14-17, some disciples of John ask Jesus about the habits of his discioples. Gibbs considers Jesus' answer to show the question had more to do with Jesus' identity and mission (Gibbs 2006, 476).
Jesus' answer uses three illustrations. The first invites people to believe in Jesus. The second and third are more in the nature of warnings (Gibbs 2006, 477). The question itself, in verse 14, assumes that the disciples of Jesus would follow the same pattern as the Pharisees and other pious Jews, by fasting regularly. In verses 15-17, Jesus makes it clear that his disciples are following someone new, so they have new responses (Gibbs 2006, 477). Following Jesus is like celebrating a wedding. It would not be the appropriate occasion for a fast (Gibbs 2006, 478). In this situation, Gibbs further finds Jesus describing himself as the Bridegroom. This was a role previously reserved for God the Father. All are invited to come and believe (Gibbs 2006, 479). In the second illustration, Jesus cannot be seen as the patch on a garment. Gibbs considers him to be the solid one of Israel ho needs no actual patches (Gibbs 2006, 479). Finally, Jesus pictures himself as new wine which must be in a new wineskin, which is the only thing which will not be ruined by this use (Gibbs 2006, 480).