Keep working on learning where to look for different things in Matthew's Gospel. In chapter nineteen Jesus ranks small children above the rich and powerful ruler.
Write down at least three questions you hope will be answered.
Read Albrecht's commentary on Matthew, pages 282-291.
See if you have any more questions or answers.
Questions for Study and Discussion:
Matthew 20:1-16 continues the theme of power and wealth introduced at the end of chapter 19. How is the theme adjusted here?
Who does the landowner in the parable represent? What is the parable meant to illustrate?
In verses 17-19 Jesus predicts his death for a third time. What reaction would you expect from the disciples?
In verses 20-28 the mother of James and John makes a request. What does it imply? What does Jesus' answer imply?
Compare a Christian view of competition with what you see in the secular world.
Verses 29-34 describe a healing of two blind men. What does the title "Son of David" suggest as the blind men ask for help?