Welcome to Wittenberg Door's Study of John's Gospel!
Join our John Study!The fourth of the Christian canonical Gospels, "According to John," discusses the importance of the life and work of Jesus. The author, as introduced within the text, was a close companion of Jesus and an eyewitness to the events he describes.
This study will work for us on several levels. Over the last few years, a number of my seminary students and fellow pastors have asked if we would have a Greek readings course, intended to increase comfort and fluidity with the language. John's Gospel is among the most accessible of the New Testament writings from a standpoint of vocabulary and style. You don't have to know Greek to participate in our study, but we will have elements of study which can help you if you are learning or using Greek. On a weekly basis, I will be posting portions of John's Gospel in Greek, with annotations intended to help the beginning Greek reader with the vocabulary and grammar. I will also be posting questions for study and reflection pertaining to the same passage. I will also provide a link to the Bible Gateway site, which provides the text in many translations and several modern languages. You don't have to know any foreign language to participate. However, if possible, let's keep the discussion in English, regardless of your native language. I encourage participants to interact on the Wittenberg Door site in the comments area, dealing with the study and reflection questions, asking their own questions, and commenting on and helping answer whatever questions and thoughts come up. As a capstone to the study, our Thursday Lunch and Learn discussions (12:30 pm at the Mizzou Student Center Food Court) will give us a chance to discuss the text and its big ideas in a face to face setting. I hope many of my readers can join with us as we explore these ideas of historic Christianity together! |
St. John the Evangelist, painted approximately 1430-1435 by Jacopo Bellini. Painting from the collection of Gemäldegalerie, Berlin