Schaff, Philip. "Ch. 22: Bishops and Deacons." The Oldest Church Manual Called the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1886, 73-75.
The churches of the Didache select their own bishops and deacons, according to XV.1. Schaff sees this as an indicator that these leaders "derive their authority not directly from the Holy Spirit, as the Apostles and Prophets, but through the medium of the Church" (Schaff 1886, 73). He notes that the offices of teaching and serving appear to be the same as those described in the New Testament. As with the New Testament usage, "bishop" and "presbyter" are used synonymously (Schaff 1886, 74). Schaff describes the terms briefly but in detail. Of note, he indicates that even small congregations seemed to have several presbyters (Schaff 1886, 74). In contrast, by the time of Ignatius, the bishops are a higher order than the presbyters, with the presbyters eventually becoming referred to as priests (Schaff 1886, 75).