Gibbs, Jeffrey A. “Matthew 11:1: Narrative Conclusion: Summary of Jesus' Ministry." Matthew 1:1-11:1. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2006, pp. 546-547.
Jesus' Missionary Discourse, Matthew 10:5-42, focused on the mission work of the Twelve and those who would follow after them. In 11:1 the text puts the focus back on Jesus. Gibbs observes that we have no inkling at this point of what the Twelve actually did (Gibbs 2006, 546). Jesus simply continues his work. Gibbs concludes from this that Matthew's intent is to emphasize what Jesus himself was doing (Gibbs 2006, 547). At this point, Gibbs closes the first of his three volumes.
This Thursday series of posts on New Testament commentary is going to take a break. My doctoral research into the early Christian document, the Didache, is going to consume more of my time in the near future. I'll still be making posts on Thursdays but they will be related to book chapters or journal articles that are related to that research. It's a fascinating little document that sheds light on some of the very earliest Christians. I hope you'll keep reading!