Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the historic one-year lectionary.
Does your family have patterns it follows? Mine does. I think most do. There's the family that always goes to the park on Friday evenings in the summer. There are the people who eat the same thing together for breakfast, day after day. There are the people who only eat a meal together on very special occasions. There are the barefoot inside families and the shoes inside families. The TV on and the TV off families.
We often think of these patterns as if they are insignificant, and on one level they are. But in John 14:15-21 Jesus describes his family pattern. It has nothing to do with the park, eating, shoes, or entertainment. Those who love Jesus and are cared for by the Father and the Holy Spirit, value Jesus' commandments. Many translations speak of "keeping" or "obeying" the commandments. But the normal way the New Testament speaks of it is by use of a word which also indicates what a guard on duty would do. The security guard at a bank, a store, or a factory, will not normally be engaged in what we would think of as active work. There's watching, moving around to different places, checking some doors and windows, and generally keeping an eye out, but there isn't much banking, manufacturing, or retailing going on in the guard's life. It's more a matter of presence and awareness.
The Christian is present within and aware of what God's priorities as revealed in Christ are. We end up doing the things that Jesus says, but it's because we are living in his word. We don't manage to live in God's word by forcing ourselves to do what he commanded. It's the other way around. We receive God's word and we find ourself following it, because it becomes part of our culture.
What's the family culture? Resting in God's Word. Praying. Nurturing. Caring. Loving and serving your neighbors. Why? Because we value what Christ has told us.
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