Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the historic one-year lectionary.
My family has a culture, with its own special traditions, holidays, and values. Your family does too. You might not understand mine, and I don't understand yours. That's perfectly fine. And the excitement around ritually covering the coffee table with coasters as fast as possible at a certain time of one day each week doesn't need to make sense or be meaningful to you.
In 1 John chapter 3 the apostle calls us children of God. His family, his household, has a series of traditions also. As we have been adopted into this family, we are taken into those traditions, that liturgy of life, in which we live day to day, year to year.
While some would minimize that element of the Christian life, often saying it is disconnected from the daily concerns we share with the world all around us, I am convinced we need to rather pour ourselves into the rhythms, the traditions, the sacred priorities of the historic Christian family life. It is there we find our place as God's children.
Though the body of Christ has an extensive and rich body of traditions, I want to urge our recommitment to just a few.
1) Prepare eagerly for and attend regularly to worship on the Lord's Day. It is in the Divine Service that our Lord gives us direction and comfort in the Word of God and his gifts of nourishment to eternal life in the Sacrament of the altar. God's priceless gifts are for us, as they have been for Christians in every age.
2) Train your family and yourself in God's Word. Learn His precepts and talk with one another about how they relate to every area of life.
3) Take advantage of the seasons and occasions of the Church year. They walk us systematically through the life of Christ and of the earliest Christians. They provide a framework for understanding our priorities.
We are children of God. Let us therefore live as participants in His household.
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