Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the three-year lectionary.
Luke 13:22-30 is a very serious passage. Will there be many or few saved in the last day? Jesus’ answer is a strict warning that deserves credence. Enter now. Don’t wait. It is a narrow door, only open on God’s terms. It is open now but in the last day it will be closed and you won’t be able to enter.
Who has entered? In verse 28 we find that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets have come into God’s kingdom. Verse 29 says that others from all parts of the world will enter. But those who have despised and rejcted living by faith in Christ will find it too late to enter through the gate.
Verses 26-27 ask the question that those excluded will ask. “Weren’t we with you, part of your people?” The answer of the Lord is that they were not willing to trust him, only to be in his general vicinity. This speaks to those who would use their own wisdom and reason to determine what God’s will is. The patriarchs never did this. They believed God, not themselves. They took God at his word. This is precisely what Jesus is calling his people to do.
Will we believe Jesus when he tells us he is the only one who can save from sin? Will we believe him when he says that we receive his salvation by grace through faith in Chirst? Will we believe him when he says we need to trust him this very day and allow him to change our lives into his image? Will we be ushered through the gate to recline at his table and dine with him? That is my prayer.
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