Kolb, Robert. The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000.
Augsburg Confession XXV, “Concerning Confession” pp. 72-74.
Note that there is no corresponding article in the Apology to the Augsburg Confession.
Article 25 of the Augsburg Confession does not have a corresponding segment in the Apology. Melanchthon observes that “the custom has been retained among us of not administering the sacrament to those who have not previously been examined and absolved’ (Kolb 200, 72). People are also taught how valuable absolution is, as “it is the Word of God[,] who forgives sin” (Kolb 2000, 72). The change among the Lutherans is an emphasis on the forgiveness given by God rather than an emphasis on counting and confessing each sin. “Concerning confession, it is taught that no one should be compelled to enumerate sins in detail. For this is impossible . . . “ (Kolb 2000, 73). The confession and absolution is not for condemnation but to comfort terrified consciences (Kolb 2000, 74).