Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the historic one-year lectionary.
In Genesis 22:8, when Isaac asks where the lamb for the burnt offering is, Abraham gives the answer of faith. God will provide the lamb. This is surely the right answer. God had previously told Abraham he would have a child, and that Isaac would be the child of promise, through whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed. It was God’s express intention that the world would be blessed, including through this incident.
Abraham, not to mention Isaac, had no clear idea how it would work out. But they did know that by God’s mercy it would be all right. Christians can have the same confidence, even in a world full of uncertainty. If the Lord has said he will keep His people, He can do it. This has been demonstrated beyond doubt through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the promised child of Abraham, through whom all nations of the world are blessed.
In Genesis 22 God provided a ram to take the place of Isaac. In the Gospels, God provided a lamb, the perfect lamb of God, Jesus, to take the place of you and of me. Death could not hold Jesus. Likewise, all those who trust in him can face even death unafraid. God has provided a substitute.
Our world has plenty of uncertainty. As I write this post, many have been speaking of a viral epidemic which may well be as bad as the flu of 1917-18. Financial markets, fearful of interruptions in manufacturing, shipping, and trade are shaky, to say the least. One country in the world recently inaugurated two different presidents at the same time, sparking what may be an increase in armed conflict throughout its region. There is uncertainty all around. However, from a Christian perspective, there is no room for ultimate fear. God has provided.
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