“The Resurrection of Christ.” (Loc. 7200)
The Scripture both says the Father raised Christ and that he raised himself. Pieper observes that when the Scripture talks about the Father raising Christ from the dead it is always viewing Jesus as the mediator (Pieper 1968, Loc. 7211).The rising from the dead as described in Romans 4:25”means the act of divine justification executed through God’s act of raising Christ from the dead, and it is for this reason called the objective justification of all mankind” (Ibid., Loc. 7211. Counter to this is “subjective justification” where we believe in the effectiveness of Christ’s resurrection. The Bible teaches a true bodily resurrection. Jesus shows himself to his disciples now, but he is able to do things in the resurrection which are “illocal” such as appear and disappear (Ibid., Loc. 7254). Jesus continued to be with the disciples for forty days.