Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the historic one-year lectionary.
For Easter Sunrise it is traditional to read Isaiah 25:6-9. Many church bodies have regularly kept a fast from Good Friday until Easter Sunday, breaking the fast with a celebration of communion at dawn. The symbolism is that of waiting on the Lord, hoping for his time of resurrection, when we receive life in exchange for deeath. Verse nine, then, says that we have waited for God and his salvation.
We don't like to wait. Yet all through our life on earth, we have to wait. Wait for this or that, for rest, for work, for relationships to start, for meetings to end, for payday, for retirement. We wait and wait.
What are we waiting for? Is it for God to swallow up death and save us? Now that's worth the wait. And in Christ, it is done.
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