Thielman, Frank. Ephesians. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2010.
Chapter 13, “A Concluding Commendation and a Final Prayer-Wish (6:21-24)” pp. 438-449.
Thielman observes that this final conclusion of Ephesians is not unlike the endings of Paul’s other letters. It includes a request for prayer, some travel plans, and a prayer for the recipients (Thielman 2010, 438). The mission of Tychicus to tell of Paul’s situation is clearly important, based on the repetitive language (Ibid., 441). Paul’s wish of grace and peace is consistent with the theme of peace in Christ which has surfaced repeatedly in his letter (Ibid., 443). This is the peace we have in the bonds of the family (Ibid., 445) but it is to last forever (Ibid.).