There are many facets to the work of an orator. Quintilian questions whether those facets have been categorized.
Quintilian, and J.S. Watson. Institutes of Oratory. Edited by Lee Honeycutt, 2010. Kindle Electronic Edition. Book III Chapter 1
In book three Quintilian intends to show where oratory comes from and to consider each of its facets, an activity he considers not to have been done by other authors (III.1.1). He expresses concern that this portion of his study may not be eagerly received but important as an historical survey, as there is “an infinite diversity of opinions among authors” (II.1.7) Quintilian goes on to list those who have written about oratory, tracing the history in very brief terms. His comments at this point are very brief and he chooses not to speak specifically about any of his contemporaries.
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