Sailhamer, John H. The Pentateuch As Narrative. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1992.
Chapter 1, “Genesis” pp. 81-240.
Part 2 “Account of Abraham (11:27-25:10) pp. 137-184. Section G “The Seed of Abraham (22:1-24)” pp. 177-179.
In Genesis 22 God tests Abraham by commanding him to offer his son, the son of promise, on an altar. It is clear from the start that God does not intend the death of Isaac, but, as Sailhamer points out (Sailhamer 1992, 177), this is not made clear to Abraham. The writer gives few details, not having Abraham or Isaac speak much, and gives no hints at Abraham’s thoughts (Sailhamer 1992, 178). After the offering of the ram in place of the son, God restates his promises to Abraham. The chapter concludes with a listing of various family members, indicating an increase in Abraham’s family.