Wilson, Douglas, and Nathan D. Wilson. The Rhetoric Companion: A Student's Guide to Power in Persuasion. Moscow, Idaho: Canon, 2011.
Lesson 19, “Invention, Stasis, and the Narratio” pp. 93-96.
Wilson begins by reviewing the four forms of stasis laid out in lesson 18. The narratio is the point in the speech where the speaker introduces the issue. This is not an unbiased, impartial segment. It intends to begin the argument, though it is not the complete argument (Wilson 2011, 93). The facts are laid out, but these are the facts which will be used later. The premises are laid out here (Wilson 2011, 94). Wilson lists a number of questions that may be introduced and dealt with in the narratio (Wilson 2011, 94-95). The narratio thus developed will lay out the situation carefully and thoroughly, defusing most likely arguments.