Bruce, F.F. The Book of Acts Revised. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988. Kindle Electronic Edition. “IV. Church Extension from Antioch and Apostolic Decree at Jerusalem (12:25-15:35)” “A. Barnabas and Saul (12:25-13:3)” pp. 243-246.
Bruce notes that in Acts 11:30 Barnabas and Saul were headed for Jerusalem. Here, in 12:25, they have returned from Jerusalem to Antioch (Bruce 1988, 243). From Antioch, in 13:1-3, they were sent away on another mission. It is notable that there are some very gifted leaders in Antioch. Here, Simeaon, Lucius, and Manaen are among “the prophets and teachers” (Bruce 1988, 245). The exact identity of the three is unclear. Nevertheless, they appear to be people of prominence among the Christians. A prophetic message defined a special work which Barnabas and Saul were to do. Bruce comments on the fact that the men being appointed “were thee two most eminent and gifted leaders in the church” (Bruce 1988, 245). Here, the laying on of hands was an expression of the church’s endorsement. It did not seem to impart a gift.