Pieper, Francis. Christian Dogmatics: Volume 2. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1968.
Peculiarities of Christ’s Human Nature (Loc. 1675)
Though Jesus has a human nature as do we, there are several differences.
- “The human nature of Christ came into existence through the operation of the Holy Ghost” (Loc. 1675).
- Jesus’ human nature is sinless (Loc. 1695).
Pieper also asks (Loc. 132) whether the Christ could sin. He could not, not because he was created sinless as was Adam, but because he is God.
An important consequence of Jesus’ sinlessness is immortality (Loc. 1752ff).
- Christ’s human nature is impersonal (Loc. 1786). There is no personality other than that of the Son of God involved in Christ. His complete union of natures was there from the start.