Scholarly Notes
Columbia MO Trinity Lutheran Church 6/2/19 8:00 & 10:30, 6/3/19 6:00 pm Ascension C Readings: Acts 1:1-11, Eph. 1:15-23, Luke 24:44-53
Sermon from Ephesians 1:15-23
Together before the Lord of resurrection and ascension, we give thanks, praying for one another and for our world. Verses 18-19 speak to three very specific ways we pray.
That you may know the hope of His calling
That you may know the riches of the glory of His inheritance
That you may know the greatness of His power
There. Sermon’s done, we can go home now. But maybe, looking at the time, we want to explain this a little bit, especially as we prepare to gather around the body and blood of our exalted Savior..
- That you may know the hope of His calling.
Out of death into life
Out of darkness into his kingdom
From sin to righteousness
From despair to hope
sure and certain
2. That you may know the riches of the glory of His inheritance
What are the riches of His inheritance?
God the maker and sustainer of all owns all heaven and earth
Jesus’ people are joint heirs with him in all promises
What do we need? In Christ we have what we need, much of what we want, and all the glory Jesus has given to us
3. That you may know the greatness of His power
What is the greatness of His power?
His righteousness for my sin
He takes my death and gives life
Conquers sin and death, our enemies
Arises victorious
Makes us one in Him
So we pray for one another, for our families, for our friends, for our world, that we may be one in Christ, the only one who gives us these gifts.
Many churches have what they call an “altar call” where people are asked to commit themselves to Christ. In a few minutes, we’re going to have the version of that altar call which belongs in historic Christianity. We’ll pray for the needs of our world, our families, and our congregation, and spend a moment reflecting on God’s mercy which is for us. Then the ushers will welcome you to come to the altar, where we realize that Christ has committed himself to us, giving his body and his blood for us, to strengthen us to life eternal. As we come, we are recipients of Jesus and his gifts. For those who are not currently communicants in this church body, you are also welcome, but help me know that you are someone I pray God’s blessing on without the Sacrament.
Now, may the Word of God dwell in you richly, giving you hope in our risen Lord. Amen.