To prepare for our seventh class session:
Read Ephesians 4:17-5:2, preparing to discuss the Greek text.
I'll provide you with a copy of Ephesians 4:17-5:2 which is annotated appropriately for relatively inexperienced readers.
Read Winger pp. 505-550
Read Thielman pp. 291-324
Read Peterson pp. 187-202
Some thought prompts:
1) In verses 17-19 what sets the Ephesian Christians apart from “the Gentiles”? What characterizes the unbelieving culture in your time and place? What sets Christians apart from it?
2) Discuss the idea of “learning Christ” according to verses 20 and following.
3) How does the change in attitude described in verses 21 and following get started and gain power? How would a Lutheran view it as compared to the way someone who believes in a sort of “works righteousness” would approach it?
4) Identify and discuss Paul's use of Old Testament passages in verses 25-26.
5) What is the purpose of doing good works and working with your hands?
6) Discuss the interplay of passive and active righteousness.