To prepare for our eighth class session:
Read Ephesians 5:3-21, preparing to discuss the Greek text.
I'll provide you with a copy of Ephesians 5:3-22 which is annotated appropriately for relatively inexperienced readers.
Read Winger pp. 551-597
Read Thielman pp. 325-364
Read Peterson pp. 203-224
Some thought prompts:
1) Verses 3-7 speak forcefully against particular behaviors. Consider how each of these behaviors would separate one from the kingdom of Christ.
2) What is the difference between a biblical piety and the beliefs and actions associated with Pietism?
3) How does our broader culture view the negative activities Paul condemns in this passage?
4) Verses 8-14 urge a walk of righteousness. What motivations do we find in the text? How do we distinguish between Law and Gospel here?
5) Are verses 15-21 a summary, or is Paul developing something new here? Why do you reach the conclusion you do?