To prepare for our tenth class session:
Read Ephesians 6:10-24, preparing to discuss the Greek text.
I'll provide you with a copy of Ephesians 6:10-24 which is annotated appropriately for relatively inexperienced readers.
Read Winger pp. 699-794
Read Thielman pp. 411-449
Read Peterson pp. 251-271
Some thought prompts:
1) Discuss the six or seven pieces of equipment Paul references in the passage. Why is each important? How is the battle significant?
2) What does Paul consider the battle of the Christian to consist of? How is it properly addressed within the context of a local church congregation?
3) Discuss spiritual battles that Christians you know are engaged in.
4) What is the role of prayer?
5) Winger takes Paul's references to prayer to refer specifically to the prayers of the body of Christ assembled together. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this point of view? How does your conclusion influence your understanding of prayer?
6) How do Paul's specific prayer requests inform your desires for prayer?