Kolb, Robert. The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000.
Augsburg Confession IX, “Concerning Baptism” p. 43
Apology to the Augsburg Confession IX “Baptism” pp. 183-184.
The ninth article of the Augsburg Confession deals with baptism. It is very brief and easily converts into a list.
- Baptism is necessary.
- Baptism offers grace.
- Baptism should be given to children.
- Baptism entrusts people to God.
The authors of the Confutation accepted this article. In the Apology, Melanchthon focuses on the views of the Anabaptists. “Christ regenerates through Word and Sacrament. Therefore it is necessary to baptize little children in order that the promise of salvation might be applied to them” (Kolb 2000, 184). Melanchthon takes an interesting track in his other proof that God approves infant baptism. He argues that if God did not approve of baptism of infants none would receive the Holy Spirit and they could not be saved (Kolb 2000, 184).