Pieper, Francis. Christian Dogmatics: Volume 2. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1968.
“The Third Genus of the Communication of Attributes (Genus Apotelesmaticum)”
“The Reformed theologians and their followers are guilty of burdening the discussion of the communication of attributes with a third genus, namely the so-called genus apotelesmaticum, for they demand that the human nature of Christ be kept apart in its activity or operation from the activity and operation of the divine nature, since the human nature as something that is finite is not capable of being the organ of the acts of the infinite divine nature” (Loc. 5679). Pieper goes on to cite several Reformed theologians in stating that the human and divine natures in Christ are separate. The human nature, not being capable of the divine, cannot participate in divine works. Pieper continues to show implications. “Wherever an official act is to be performed whose performance demands divine omnipotence, there, according to the Reformed view, the human nature as a finite creature cannot cooperate” (Loc. 5697). The human nature of Christ is thus seen as uninvolved in anything miraculous. The genus apotelesmaticum counters that all Christ does he “performs according to both natures, by each nature doing what is proper to it, not by itself and apart from the other nature, but in constant communion with the other” (Loc. 5759).