Ephesians 6:10-20 - Lectionary for Pentecost 15B
Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the three-year lectionary.
Our Epistle reading this week is from Ephesians chapter six. The Christians at Ephesus are told to put on God’s armor. As we look at the armor of God, we notice first that the only offensive weapon is a sword, which is God’s Word. This is how God would have us engage in conflict. It is only God’s Word which can actually win His battles.
Speaking of God’s battles, who are the enemies? In verse 12 we read that we aren’t fighting a flesh and blood enemy. The enemy is a spiritual one, a cosmic power, a set of ideas that try to set themselves up against God. How could our actions fight against such enemies? We can’t attack those enemies. We can’
t attack spiritual enemies, such as Satan. Only God’s Word can do so. It is a matter of the Lord working through us.
This becomes a matter of prayer. Our physical ability is meaningless. That’s why, in verse 18, Paul turns to speak of prayer. We pray about everything. We pray for everyone. And Paul asks the Ephesians to pray for him. Please notice with me how he asks for prayer. He wants God’s Gospel to be plain to him and to be what comes out when he opens his mouth. This should be our request as well. Do we need earthly things? Certainly. But for the ultimate victory we need God’s Word speaking through us. Let us pray this way for one another.
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