Peterson, Eugene H., and Peter Santucci. Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing up in Christ. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2010. Kindle Electronic Edition.
Chapter 7, “Church and God’s Manifold Wisdom: Ephesians 3:1-13” Loc. 1458-1667.
In Ephesians Paul makes clear that Jesus is the head of the church. The head and body need to be kept together. When considered in isolation we quickly go astray (Peterson 2010, Loc. 1466). Peterson reminds the reader that Christ was active prior to our faith (Peterson 2010, Loc. 1470). This work of Christ is, in Ephesians 2, centered in the church, which is the place he has made for us (Peterson 2010, Loc. 1484). In Ephesians 3:1-13, Peterson notes Paul’s pace relaxing (Peterson 2010, Loc. 1489). He speaks of himself and Jesus’ work in him. Even in this personal talk, Paul focuses on his goal. His life is all about Jesus, but it is Jesus working in Paul (Peterson 2010, Loc. 1507). Peterson further reminds us that Jesus is currently working in Paul in prison (Peterson 2010, Loc. 1518). He is a captive, describing freedom in Christ. Peterson compares the bondage and alienation from Ephesians to the isolation in which so many people live. Christ, who has made a place for his people, leads the church, “the workshop for turning knowledge into wisdom, becoming what we know” (Peterson 2010, Loc. 1571). Peterson emphasizes that the church is the place where we truly find ourselves and where we make sense of our world (Peterson 2010, Loc. 1605).