Rordorf, Wily & Andre Tuilier. La Doctrine Des Douze Apotres: Introduction, Texte, Traduction, Notes, Appendice et Index. Paris: Les Editions DuCerf, 1978.
“Chapter 1” pp. 11-12.
Rordorf oberves that this is a very enlightening text about ancient Christianity. It discusses the catechesis, liturgy, discipline and teaching from the church between the time of the New Testament and the Fathers, giving insight into the practices of the first century. The writing was published based on the Metropolitan Bryennios’ discovery of one manuscript in 1873, with the first edition made in 1883. The text begins with six chapters about the way of life and of death, then follow four chapters about baptism, fasting, prayer and the eucharist. Five more chapters discuss the structure of the early Christian communities, then there is a chapter consisting of eschatological exhortation.