Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the three-year lectionary.
This week’s Old Testament reading, from Isaiah 50:4-9a, gives us a picture of the one who suffers though innocent. If we consider a sinful human nature, we see that this passage is not about one of us. It describes one who can speak and can hear, who is righteous before God. It speaks of someone who doesn’t retaliate when he is despised and assaulted. It is the one who, though the adversaries may even kill him, will outlive them all. He himself will not wear out.
Christians can take heart in this passage. When all else seems to turn against us, we recognize a Savior, Christ, who does not worry about any assaults. He is the one who has shown himself as the resurrection and the life, the one who lives and will never die again. And he is the one who promises to give life to those who believe him. There’s no need to fear. Regardless of the assaults of an enemy, the Gospel of forgiveness for sin accomplished by Jesus, says that we will not be destroyed forever.
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