Wilson, Douglas, and Nathan D. Wilson. The Rhetoric Companion: A Student's Guide to Power in Persuasion. Moscow, Idaho: Canon, 2011.
Lesson 8, “Delivery: The Fifth of the Five Canons.” pp. 45-46
Delivery of a message has many important elements, some of which will have their own lessons in this textbook. In antiquity, oral presentation was very important. The skill is related to that skill of delivery used in dramatic acting, though rhetoric is not the same as play-acting (Wilson 2011, 45). For the time being, Wilson urges “attention . . . to voice, pitch, and rhythm” (Ibid.). This is easier if material has been thoroughly memorized. Wilson goes on to talk about gesture, using a disciplined variety of one’s natural motions while speaking. He urges practice, varying the tone of the delivery mentally and aloud.