Many churches throughout the world use a Bible reading schedule called a "lectionary." It's just a fancy word meaning "selected readings." Posts like this reflect on the readings for an upcoming Sunday or other Church holiday, as found in the three-year lectionary.
Job 38:1-11 depicts God as an eyewitness of the beginning of creation. It describes him as the truly eternal God, existing before anything else existed, bringing it into being, paying attention to all the intricate details of creation, and doing it all so as to bring forth shouts of joy and delight.
A purely naturalistic worldview struggles to explain the incredible complexity of the created order. Even if we grant the possibility that macroevolution could occur, the number of steps necessary to pull together even a single celled organism which would function properly require an unbelievable amount of time. To envision all this happening by accident is beyond belief. In comparison, a biblical view of a transcendent and preexistent God who created everything in an intelligent manner makes a tremendous amount of sense.
What is truly amazing about the description we find in Job, however, is not the creation or the eternity of God. It’s the little question in verses 6-7 (CSV). “Who laid its cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” The answer is obvious. It’s God. But what of the circumstances? The morning stars are a choir singing for joy. The heavenly hosts, angels all, are shouting in joy that God has created the universe and all that is in it. All creation brings forth joy, because it sings of the wisdom and knowledge of God. It proclaims his intelligence. It mirrors his glory. It survives because of his mercy.
Christians sometimes have a reputation for being indifferent stewards of the planet. That isn’t a good biblical view, though all too often it is the view we will take. Rather, when we consider all creation, we should be moved to acknowledge the Creator, knowing that the Lord has made it all for his glory and praise.
For those who wish to deny the existence of God, the burden of proof is still upon you. Can you give compelling evidence of such a complex system springing into being without an intelligent creator? Please do so. Until you can, we’d best recognize the very simple idea that an all-powerful all-wise God created and sustains it all.
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