The earliest Christians followed a Jewish tradition of pausing to pray, preferably together, first thing in the morning, about mid morning, at noon, about mid afternoon, and in the evening. “Just a Note” posts are brief observations made from Scripture readings not related to a lectionary. If I have one to post, it normally appears about 9:00 in the morning, at “the hour of prayer.”
In John 1:14-18 the evangelist lays out a very important point about God’s work in this world. He says that God has “dwelt” with us. The word used is that of pitching a tent. What’s it actually like when the light of the world comes and pitches camp among us? This should really not be very comforting. Nobody can bear to see the holy God face to face. He is a consuming brightness. Who would be so foolish as to seek an unmediated view of God? Certainly nobody who wants to survive. So what has God done? He has come to dwell with us, as a light shining in the darkness. We can’t bear to look at him without some sort of filter. So he has appeared in human flesh, something we can bear.
Jesus has come to visit his people. He brings light by which we can see clearly. May we receive his presence, full of grace and truth. This again is nothing that we would devise. Stumbling in the darkness we simply want to know how to get along by some sort of rules. But Jesus brings grace, not law. Thanks be to the Lord who brings grace, forgiveness, and life.
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