Justin on the Sole Government of God. (translated by Rev. G. Reith, M.A. Loc. 9969-10210 in The Complete Ante-Nicene & Nicene & Post-Nicene Church Fathers Collection. Catholic Way Publishing, 2014. ANF 01 The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus.Kindle Electronic Edition.
Chapter 2, Loc. 9984-10044.
Justin begins his process of identifying God in the historic non-Christian literature with quotes from Aeschylus, who identified a one and only god (Loc. 9984). “Afar from mortals place the holy God, Nor ever think that He, like to thyself, In fleshly robes is clad; . . . He is the Lord Omnipotent; And this the glory is of God Most High” Sophocles also describes one deity (Loc. 9998). “There is one God, in truth there is but one, who made the heavens and the broad earth beneath . . . “ Our setting up of images is senseless. Justin also refers to one Philemon “who published many explanations of ancient customs” and who considers a God who is the unseen one but who sees all (Loc. 10010). Citing the tract Diathecae, one Orpheus says that there is “the one and universal King, One, self-begotten, and the only One Of whom all things, and we ourselves, are sprung . . .” (Loc. 10015). We do observe that in this quotation Orpheus specifically says this one is Jupiter (Loc. 10027). Pythagoras also says there is only one eternal and infinite god (Loc. 10035).