Osborne, Larry. Innovation’s Dirty Little Secret: Why Serial Innovators Succeed Where Others Fail. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013. Kindle Electronic Edition.
Chapter 19, “The Polaroid Principle: How Vision Works” (Loc. 1953-2070)
In this chapter Osborne contrasts mission and vision. They are closely related but distinct. Mission describes the reason for existence. Vision describes success (Loc. 1962). A clear organizational vision allows leaders to make quick and accurate decisions. It is detailed and clear itself (Loc. 1972). Osborne lists six elements needed “to move from mission to vision to reality” (Loc. 1978).
- You already have a vision (Loc. 1981). It may be unclear but it exists.
- Vision evolves (Loc. 1998).
- Vision comes from within (Loc. 2010).
- Vision clarifies priorities (Loc. 2024).
- Vision matches reality (Loc. 2040).
- Vision seldom comes out of a committee meeting (Loc. 2057).
The question we must ask ourselves, however, is whether being a visionary is always a good thing. Just because we have a vision for something does not mean it is what God would intend for us to do.