Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church (The Complete Eight Volumes in One). Amazon Kindle Edition, 2014.
Volume 2, Ante-Nicene Christianity A.D. 100-325, “Chapter 4. Organization and Discipline of the Church” Loc. 13792-14769 (part 4).
§48. The Pseudo-Clementine Episcopacy.
Schaff now turns his attention to the mid-second century Ebionite movement. For this movement he examines the pseudo-Clementine Homilies (Schaff 2014, Loc. 14136). This movement he views as “rather a heretical counterpart of the orthodox episcopate” 4143). Here, the bishop is the representative both of Christ and the apostles. However, Schaff suggests the bishop is of greater authority than his predecessors.
Schaff here also discusses the Manichaeans and the Montanists (Schaff 2014, Loc. 14149). While the Manichaeans had a strong heirarchical view, the Montanists rejected heirarchy. Schaff compares the Manichaeans to Mormons and the Montanists to Quakers.