Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity: The Early Church to the Reformation. Revised and Updated ed. Vol. 1. New York: HarperCollins, 2010. Kindle Electronic Edition.
Ch. 26, “The End of an Era” Loc. 4626-4682.
In this brief chapter Gonzalez reviews the end of the Roman era. The Western part of the Roman empire was falling apart and with it the relative peace and security for the spread of Christianity (Gonzalez 2010, Loc. 4633). In the East the imperial church would remain for about a thousand years, but not so in the West. There, the church “became the guardian of civilization and of order” (Gonzalez 2010, Loc. 4642). It was Christianity, not stable government, which held society together through the Middle Ages.
Gonzalez ends this portion of his book with a bibliography of suggested readings (Gonzalez 2010, Loc. 4662-4682).