Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity: The Early Church to the Reformation. Revised and Updated ed. Vol. 1. New York: HarperCollins, 2010a. Kindle Electronic Edition.
Ch. 38, “The New World and the Old” Loc. 8565-8647.
In this last chapter of his book Gonzalez observes that the New World had a striking effect on the Old World. Particularly foods introduced to Europe had high yields and could prevent famine (Gonzalez 2010a, oc. 8571). The infusion of gold also changed the economy of Europe (Gonzalez 2010a, oc. 8579). The idea of the noble savage arose again, along with millennial ideas based on the prosperity found in South America (Gonzalez 2010a, Loc. 8603). Concurrently, the Protestant Reformation came about. Gonzalez considers that we may not have a clear picture of the interaction even to this day (Gonzalez 2010a, Loc. 8619).