Justin on the Sole Government of God. (translated by Rev. G. Reith, M.A. Loc. 9969-10210 in The Complete Ante-Nicene & Nicene & Post-Nicene Church Fathers Collection. Catholic Way Publishing, 2014. ANF 01 The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus.Kindle Electronic Edition.
Chapter 4, Loc. 10076-10104.
What kind of life does God desire? Justin uses the non-Christian authors to show “that God is not appeased by the libations and incense of evil-doers, but awards vengeance in righteousness to each one” (Loc. 10076). Quoting Philemon, Justin affirms that offerings of a person who is neither useful nor good do not bring salvation. “Let him rather useful be, and good, Committing neither theft nor lustful deeds, nor murder foul, for earthly riches’ sake (Loc. 10083). On the contrary, the righteous person makes gifts which are acceptable to God (Loc. 10094). Justin also cites Plato in Timaeus, describing the difference between divine and human. “God mingles many things up into one [and again is able to dissolve one into many things,] seeing that He is endued with knowledge and power, but no man either is, or ever shall be, able to perform any of these” (Loc. 10100).