Bruce, F.F. The Book of Acts Revised. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988. Kindle Electronic Edition. “VI. Paul Plans to Visit Rome and Gets there by an Unforseen Route (19:21-28:31).” “F. Winter in Malta (28:1-10)” pp. 495-500.
The first ten verses of Acts 28 describe the time of wintering in Malta after paul’s shipwreck. The people, having been lost on their voyage, didn’t learn their location until they questioned the natives (Bruce 1988, 497). The Maltese people were of Phoenician descent, normally considered barbarians, but they proed hospitable. Bruce notes that when Paul was bitten by a snake the natives assumed he was a criminal being executed by Justice. However, when he didn’t die, they assumed he was divine (Bruce 1988, 498).
While on Malta the apostle Paul met and cared for an official named Publius, whose father was ill (Bruce 1988, 499). This resulted in more people coming for healing and giving honors to Paul and his companions. Once winter had passed, the group departed with the good will of the Maltese residents.